Virgo (Communications Forecast 18th May to 11th June)
From today and for the next 25 days is a good period to rethink or reassess your aspirations or your goals, ambitions, purpose in life. This is because planet Mercury (the planet that it's energy link to any type of communication) goes into retrograde motion today in Gemini. How that affects you? When in comes to your career and your relationships with your bosses, authority figures or superiors is good time for revaluation maybe of your work but be aware of any new projects might be delegate to you, possible changes could occur after mid June. Also this is not a good time for starting up your own company or doing promotion for new products services possible delays or misunderstanding could occur. Especially the ones born between 26-30th August and 4-8th September. If you have do sign any contracts for new jobs and can't be postpone double check all data and make sure you understand everything is been communicate to you.
From today and for the next 25 days is a good period to rethink or reassess your aspirations or your goals, ambitions, purpose in life. This is because planet Mercury (the planet that it's energy link to any type of communication) goes into retrograde motion today in Gemini. How that affects you? When in comes to your career and your relationships with your bosses, authority figures or superiors is good time for revaluation maybe of your work but be aware of any new projects might be delegate to you, possible changes could occur after mid June. Also this is not a good time for starting up your own company or doing promotion for new products services possible delays or misunderstanding could occur. Especially the ones born between 26-30th August and 4-8th September. If you have do sign any contracts for new jobs and can't be postpone double check all data and make sure you understand everything is been communicate to you.
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