Friday, 29 May 2015

Capricorn (Communications Forecast 18th May to 11th June)

Capricorn (Communications Forecast 18th May to 11th June)
From today and for the next 25 days will be a good period to review or reassess your actual work, responsibilities or daily tasks or matters of health.This is because planet Mercury (the planet that it's energy link to any type of communication) goes into retrograde motion today in Gemini. How that affects you? Well this is a good time toreconnect with people at work just be aware of misunderstandings especially around anything in regards to your work and what is been communicate or expected from you. Sending emails, letters, reports you provide etc double check everything is correct before you send it out. Also if you have your own company maybe old clients could come back during this period. In matters of your health this is a good time to reassess or maybe take a second opinion on a current health issue. If you expecting any exams results in regards to health just make sure their is no confusion and mixing with someone else. Anything new that might be reveal to you about your health in next few weeks might change later on in June.

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