Monday, 1 June 2015

Pisces Full Moon 2nd June


 Probably the last few weeks your attention was put into family matters, your home or even your past and even in matters having to do with the structures you have built your life. With the full moon this week illuminating the highest part of your horoscope possibly matters such as: (career and public image and social recognition or even your own company if you are self-employed, relationship with your mother or your boss) to come to your attention. Most strongly affects those born around February 28th – March 3rd.

Aquarius Full Moon 2nd June


This full moon for you is a social moon and maybe this weekend is a good opportunity to catch up with friends and party. The last few weeks maybe your energy was focused on children if you are parents or if not then maybe a new romance absorbed your time, or new hobbies or creativity or self-expression. This week maybe a friend might need your emotional support or even simply be a good opportunity to go out with friends and bring a balance in your social life you might have neglected the last few weeks. For some might be a challenging full moon around friends and sex, know where you draw the line or have fun and no strings attached.

Capricorn Full Moon 2nd June


 The last period few weeks probably your energy was focused on routine and work. However, it could have been a good time for you to take care of your health now. With the full moon illuminates the twelfth house of your horoscope, which has to do with anything you want to keep hidden, secluded, secret revelations might need your attention this week. Your health might come to the foreground if in the last few weeks you have overdo it with work. For some might be a focus regards with your psychology and perhaps issues could surface from the past or from your childhood.

Sagittarius Full Moon 2nd June


This full moon put you into the centre of attention this week! Especially for those who have birthday around December 1-5th. Probably this week might be a quite emotionally week and expressing your emotions might not be that easy for you and putting them out there.  The last few weeks maybe the focus was into your relationships and into your other half. Now somehow you might feel that you need to put attention on yourself to find that balance again perhaps with the completion of an existing relationship. For some of you even possible changes in your image. For example, a new haircut, hairstyle all the way up to a completely makeover or simply closing a cycle in your life and how you see yourself in life.

Scorpio Full Moon 2nd June


This full moon brings your attention towards your finances in regards to your income and issues securities (non-cash) more materialistic security. Perhaps the last time the attention was focused mainly to the finances or your partner or if you are single was focus on economic matters in regards with banks, tax authorities. This weekend maybe sudden expenses might come into light or start receiving money from a project you brought into completion recently. For some be aware of possible arguments with friends in regards money or your values and beliefs.

Libra Full Moon 2nd June


Matters having to do with siblings and your relationships with them might come into your focus and would desire your attention this week. Even anything to do with respect to your neighbours and the community that surrounds you. If you are a driver attention this week, issues with transport and issues around travelling short distances might came to the foreground. Perhaps this is the time of the year that you need to do a service of your car or passing the test of your driving license or simply need to refresh the existing one. Students might need to put more focus into studying this weekend and focusing to complete a project approaching summer holidays in less than 2 weeks.

Virgo Full Moon 2nd June


The last few weeks you might put your energy into your career and your relationships with your boss or simply if you are unemployed running from one interview to another. This week might be looking for stay home and relax. Guess what? Now with the full moon this week a call to put attention and focus on home and family, for some of you even your family roots, past. Issues having to do mainly with a property, with the house itself you reside or even issues with your parents especially the father might be reveal. For some of you might be the time to have a closure, leaving home or selling their home. Those born around September 1-5th might feel the influence of the full moon stronger.

Leo Full Moon 2nd June


The full moon this week in the friendly sign towards you of Sagittarius brings you to focus on topics having to do with your kids if you're parents. Your relationships with them might come to your attention or even something might be revealed to you by them or for them, information you might did not know until now. For the rest the influence of the full moon may bring to the surface a secret crush or even if you are in an existing relation and you got up into routine this week might be a good opportunity to put energy to do something fun and romantic together. If you are an artist or use creativity as a tool of expression this week this might come to a completion. This can be a poem, a DYI build up and even the birth of a child (of your creation!). 

Cancer Full Moon 2nd June


Maybe the last few weeks you have the need to be more isolated, or to work behind the scenes. Some of you might have a need to redraw or putting your energy into an individual project. This week with the full moon mattes having to do with workplace colleagues and the actual work you do might be come to your attention or a completion of a project. Maybe some extra work for the weekend or in some cases work matters in regards to foreign countries or people from abroad. For some might be the last day at work therefore a closure and time to say goodbyes with leaving drinks tomorrow. Pay attention to health issues if the latest you have been neglecting your health maybe now with the full moon you should turn your attention there. Also issues with pets can come to the surface.

Gemini full Moon 2nd June


The full moon affects most directly those who have birthdays around these days Jun 1-4th. The new year ahead starting this weekend is an important one, since very likely to close a cycle in your life. With the full moon to be carried out directly opposite you, this weekend maybe the birthday you were call to put the attention into your other half for the committed ones. Just watch out not to project your own feelings into your other half. Perhaps the last few weeks all the attention was turned to you and perhaps this week you reveal something about your other half.

Taurus full moon 2nd June


This week full moon brings financial issues of your partner to your attention if you are in a relationship. Your sexual life and themes around sexuality could be highlighted, for some ‘a friends with benefits scenario might play out or financial arguments with friends. If not then maybe you spot yourself, to put more energy with banks, financial institutions and tax services or inheritance issues which are coming into a completion. The 8th house has to do with taboo topics and our psychology and issues that are deeply rooted in our infancy so probably some of them come to the surface.

Aries full moon 2nd June


This full moon energy is a good opportunity for a trip if you have the time and money this week. If there is no money maybe a dash in nature, or if you are married, you can spend it with the in-laws. With the full moon in Sagittarius a friendly sign to you, maybe issues from abroad and foreign persons likely to come to your attention. A revelation or a completion of a project could come to a closer. If you are a student and wait exam results might be good news.

PLANETARY ALERT: Full Moon 3:20pm, 2 June 2015 in the constellation of Sagittarius

PLANETARY ALERT: Full Moon 3:20pm, 2 June 2015 in the constellation of Sagittarius
Next 3 days full moon in Sagittarius energy will be available to you with strongest influence tomorrow. Use or waste it! A full moon always brings the closing of a circle or revelation, completing something that began with the new moon. This full moon could trigger themes back to new beginnings you done back in early December 2013 if that ‘rings a bell’ and maybe you done some readjustments of that new start in early September 2014. Now a full moon in Gemini-Sagittarius axis is like trying to find a delicate equilibrium between the elements air and fire. It is all about finding the right integration between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, a balance from looking the facts and specific data and also be able to see the big picture and make a conclusion. Sagittarius is the sign relates to travelling, higher education, immigration and anything that expands our horizons so themes in regards to above could be hitting the news next few days.

Under the influence of this full moon will be mainly Gemini, Virgos, Sagittarius and Pisces, especially those with birthdays around June 1-4th, September 1-5th, December 1-5th and February 28th - March 3th. Also anyone who knows that have its rising sign(Ascendant) or personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) around the following degrees 8-13 of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Details for each zodiac sign will follow below in each individual sign. I suggest for you to read the zodiac sign and those who knew the rising sign (horoscopes) and take both into consideration in order to have a more comprehensive prognosis.  

What's your Element?